Higher efficiency and better experience with smart automation

Meer efficiëntie & betere beleving met slimme automatisering

If we have learned anything in recent years, it is that agile and flexible companies have a greater chance of being successful. The world is constantly changing, and companies need to move along. Reason enough to look for ways to work more efficiently and effectively. Investments in automation are on the rise, with the aim […]

How to be an attractive employer: five tips

Aantrekkelijk werkgeverschap? Zo doe je dat

The demand for talent is greater than ever and this shortage on the labor market is expected to last for another two decades, according to the Social and Cultural Planning Office. That means that employers, more than ever, are looking for ways to keep their employees engaged. This not only plays a crucial role in […]

The story behind FILE 365

Het ontstaan van FILE 365

With Salesforce you create a 360-degree overview of your customer, with which you really put the customer first. But in most organizations there is also an entire ecosystem of Microsoft files. That often causes confusion. What if you could integrate the two systems, thought Floris Jan Galesloot, Salesforce Developer & Integration Specialist. In this blog, […]

Thomas de Bruin, Dorcas: ‘Thanks to this integration we get much more out of Salesforce’

Dorcas helpt mensen en gemeenschappen die in nood zijn door armoede, uitsluiting of crisis. Zo draagt FILE 365 daaraan bij.

Dorcas is a Christian organisation that provides humanitarian assistance and facilitates development cooperation. Dorcas invests in sustainable change in the lives of those in need who are marginalised due to poverty, exclusion or crisis. Dorcas is active in fourteen countries in Eastern Europe, East Africa and the Middle East. As a foundation it is important […]

Small mistakes, big headaches

Kleine foutjes, hoop gedoe

You receive a Word or Excel file from a colleague, a supplier or a customer and you have to change one character or one word somewhere. Of course, in Salesforce, your files are exactly where you expect them to be: with your opportunity, case, or account record. Next step is to download the file, make […]

Four questions that show that you embrace an old way of working

Vier vragen die tonen dat je een oude werkwijze omarmt

We are convinced that you can get even more return from Salesforce if you combine it with the power of Microsoft 365. This is exactly the reason why we developed FILE 365. However, this requires a new way of thinking. Many IT managers seem to believe that their colleagues have adopted change for a long […]

Get more out of your Lamborghini – read: Salesforce!

Zo haal je meer uit je Lamborghini – eh, Salesforce!

Imagine, you have a Lamborghini, but you are not able to drive faster than eighty kilometers per hour… What a shame! Everyone understands that you might have bought a Prius instead. Yet this is exactly what many organizations do. They have a Lamborghini in the garage – read: Salesforce –, but treat it like a […]

Is your customer really king?

Is jouw klant écht koning?

Of course, in your organization customer is king. At least you make a frantic effort. In practice, the Sales department does indeed put the customer first, but at the same time they work with separate documents and complicated folder structures. Kyung de Jong-Dijkman, Salesforce Administrator at Vloeiend IT, explains in this blog how you can […]

Stop wasting time searching for files

Van zoeken naar vinden

Never waste time searching for files any longer, wouldn’t that be great? In this blog, Auke Jutjens, Salesforce Consultant & Partner Vloeiend IT, explains how you can always quickly locate your files. Logical right? This may sound all too familiar: you have an appointment with a customer and are in a terrible hurry. You have […]