Get more out of your Lamborghini – read: Salesforce!

Zo haal je meer uit je Lamborghini – eh, Salesforce!

Get more out of your Lamborghini – read: Salesforce!

Imagine, you have a Lamborghini, but you are not able to drive faster than eighty kilometers per hour… What a shame! Everyone understands that you might have bought a Prius instead. Yet this is exactly what many organizations do. They have a Lamborghini in the garage – read: Salesforce –, but treat it like a Prius. In this blog, Kyung de Jong-Dijkman, Salesforce Administrator at Vloeiend IT, explains how you can hit the gas on the digital highway.

Customer focused

We’re just about the biggest Salesforce fans you can think of. It’s a great way to focus on your customer. In most organizations that use Salesforce, users are constantly switching between Salesforce and Microsoft 365. All information about leads, prospects and customers is in Salesforce, but files such as quotes and contract agreements are stored in a folder structure in SharePoint, which is organized by project name or file type. Or even worse, the most recent version of a document is somewhere in the mailbox of your colleague who has just been on vacation for two weeks.

From switching to connecting

Switching constantly between Salesforce and Microsoft 365 turns your Lamborghini into that Prius that no one wants. We can do better, we thought, and developed FILE 365. FILE 365 ensures that you no longer have to switch constantly, and allows you to benefit from the logic of Salesforce and the smart functionalities of Microsoft 365 at the same time. By clearing the way, you can drive a lot faster. When you add a file to a Salesforce record, the file is immediately saved to SharePoint. And if you upload or modify a file in a folder in SharePoint, it immediately appears in the related Salesforce record. Downloading and uploading – and just hope that your colleagues do the same – that’s a thing of the past. Working with externals? No problem! You just give them access to the right folder in SharePoint and you’re good to go. In short, FILE 365 gives you the shortcut you need to get the most out of Salesforce and Microsoft 365.


FILE 365 integrates Microsoft 365 and Salesforce. Documents attached to a record in Salesforce are stored in SharePoint, but can be accessed from both Salesforce and SharePoint. Access and manage files directly from Salesforce with one click! Curious about this shortcut? Request a demo without obligation! We’d love to get to know you.


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