3 signs that you are not working optimally with files in Salesforce

3 signs that you are not working optimally with files in Salesforce

If you use Salesforce to support your work processes, you know better than anyone that working with files and documents can sometimes be time-consuming and error-prone. Especially if you use SharePoint and Salesforce side by side, it is sometimes difficult to find the correct and most recent information quickly and efficiently or to collaborate with your colleagues on the same file version. In this blog, Auke Jutjens, Salesforce Consultant & Partner Vloeiend IT, discusses three signals that show you are not working optimally with files from Salesforce.

1. Editing files is time-consuming

If you regularly edit files associated with Salesforce records, the process of editing these files can be time consuming and involve many steps. For example, you must first download the file, edit it, and then upload it back to Salesforce. Especially when it comes to a small adjustment, this is very annoying!

2. Use of multiple systems to find customer information

If you use both Salesforce and Microsoft 365, it can be difficult to quickly find the right information. Switching between different systems can take a lot of time and if you’re not careful, you’ll be working with an outdated version of a file. How great would it be if you could stop searching and start finding?

3. Collaborating on files is problematic

Working with multiple people on the same file is difficult in Salesforce. By storing your files in SharePoint, employees can easily collaborate on documents, spreadsheets and other files in real time. But afterwards you need to upload those files back to Salesforce …

How does FILE 365 help?

With FILE 365 you can edit files directly in Salesforce, which speeds up the process considerably and you always have the correct and most recent information at hand. Also it allows multiple users to collaborate on the same file and ensures that you always have the latest file version at hand.


FILE 365 integrates Microsoft 365 SharePoint and Salesforce. Documents associated with a record in Salesforce are stored in SharePoint, and can be accessed from both Salesforce and SharePoint. Open and edit files directly from Salesforce with one click! Interested? Request a demo without any obligation now! We’d love to get to know you.


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