The story behind FILE 365

Het ontstaan van FILE 365

The story behind FILE 365

With Salesforce you create a 360-degree overview of your customer, with which you really put the customer first. But in most organizations there is also an entire ecosystem of Microsoft files. That often causes confusion. What if you could integrate the two systems, thought Floris Jan Galesloot, Salesforce Developer & Integration Specialist. In this blog, Floris Jan recounts what inspired him to develop FILE 365.

Limited integration of Microsoft and Salesforce

It is already quite a few years ago. At that time, I was still working for Vloeiend IT’s sister company, with a customer who used Salesforce. Together with the IT manager of that company – who would later become one of the partners at Vloeiend IT – I looked for possibilities to integrate Salesforce with Microsoft 365. Integrations were possible to some extent, but we quickly ran into some challenges. For example, we couldn’t add files or see a preview, and so on. In short, the user experience was far from optimal and we missed quite a few functionalities.


At the time, our ideas did not materialize, but a seed had been planted. That’s how it generally works when I’m dissatisfied with certain technological solutions, or if – in my opinion – it doesn’t work as it should, then I try to do a better job myself. For example, in my private life, I am involved with domotics, or building home automation, for our house. I do the same thing: if it doesn’t work well enough, I’ll develop something myself. Apparently I am quite successful at this, because when I share my Smart Home solutions in the open source community there are always people who will use it or ask questions about it.

From rough version to app

Okay, back to FILE 365. So the idea was born, but it still did not amount to much more than some sketches and experiments. We made it easier to upload files in Salesforce, but I can hardly call it a rough version. When Vloeiend IT was founded in 2016, we actually breathed new life into the idea. In addition to the consultancy services we offer, we saw great potential in an app that integrates Salesforce and Microsoft 365.

Continuous development

The first name we gave our app was FilesConnectUpload. Fortunately, that name did not last and at some point we switched to FILE 365. A name with a more catchy sound. We are now working on it with a whole team, but I still see it as my brainchild. We add new features on a regular basis, and that makes me proud every time.


FILE 365 integrates Microsoft 365 and Salesforce. Files associated with a record in Salesforce are stored in SharePoint, but can be accessed from both Salesforce and SharePoint. Open and edit files directly from Salesforce with one click! Interested? Request a demo now without obligation! We’d love to get to know you.


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