2. Multiple tenants and SharePoint Site locations

2.1 Multiple SharePoint Sites #

You can configure File 365 to use more than one SharePoint Site Collection (See Configuration section how to set this up). You will need to create a separate Salesforce Named Credential entry for each Site Collection you want to use. Each Named Credential should point to the root of a site collection.

2.2 Multiple Azure AD Tenants #

You can also connect to multiple Azure AD tenants to use SharePoint locations in different tenants as the location to upload documents. To do this you will need to create a Microsoft Azure AD Application Registration and Salesforce Auth. Provider for all tenants you want to connect. A Salesforce Named Credential should be created for each SharePoint Site Collection to access.

2.3 Single Sign On (SSO) based on Microsoft authentication #

The file preview functionality in File 365 works by displaying a page from Microsoft SharePoint in the browser (using an iframe). For this to work properly, the user should be logged into Azure AD with their credentials in their browser session. The most easy and convenient way to accomplish this, is to setup Single Sign On in Salesforce to allow users to login with their Microsoft Work account.
To configure Single Sign-On in Azure AD follow the steps as described in this document.

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