So happy when your colleague is back?

Ook zo blij dat je collega weer terug is van vakantie?

So happy when your colleague is back?

You have probably been there before. Your colleague is on holiday, on maternity leave or absent for any other reason. Then you get a call from a key customer who wants to discuss the most recent quotation with you. But where is the most recent version? Not in Salesforce and not in SharePoint either. You start panicking…. Merk de Jager, director of Vloeiend IT, explains in this blog how to prevent this stress. This way your colleague can stay away a little longer.

Files hidden in the mailbox

Summer vacation is over and that’s a good thing. Things often go wrong in many organizations. A colleague emails a file to a customer without saving the correct version in the right place. In this way, the most recent quotation or the latest contract agreements is hidden somewhere in his, her or their mailbox. Not very smart. As long as that colleague is back from vacation after two weeks, the misery is manageable. But if that colleague has just left on maternity leave, you will be in trouble for 16 weeks. Or – even worse – if your colleague has just resigned, you can forget about your files alltogether.

The bigger picture

We get you. An important customer calls you and asks you to adjust that quote. Download the file from Salesforce, save it locally on your computer, email the adjusted quote to the customer, and then upload again in the appropriate record in Salesforce. If you are just about to leave for a longer or shorter period of time, you tend to forget about the bigger picture after emailing the customer. You have done your job and never mind about the rest. Until your colleague has to step in.

One click

We are convinced that it doesn’t have to be so complicated and that’s why we developed FILE 365. FILE 365 ensures that you can open and edit your Microsoft 365 files directly from Salesforce, including all smart functionalities. With just one click, you can save the updated file back in the right place for everyone to find. This allows you to work from one application and combine the best of both worlds. Now your colleague can take a break with peace of mind.


FILE 365 integrates Microsoft 365 and Salesforce. Documents associated with a record in Salesforce are stored in SharePoint, but can be opened from either Salesforce or SharePoint. Open and edit files directly from Salesforce with one click! Interested? Request a free demo now! We look forward to hearing from you.


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